104 Useful SEO Question and Answers | A Beginner's Guide

QUESTION  - What Is Keywords?

ANSWER   -  As a website owner and content creator, you want the keywords on your page to be relevant to what people are searching for so they have a better chance of finding your content in the search engine result page.

QUESTION - Name Different Types Of Keywords?

ANSWER   -Long-tail keywords
                     Product keywords
                     Competitor keywords
                     Locational keywords
                     Long keyword
                     Phrase match keywords
                     Evergreen keywords

QUESTION - Differentiate between on-page and off-page SEO? 

ANSWER -   On-page SEO covers anything you can do on a webpage (or internally) to improve your rankings. While off-page SEO covers anything you can optimize outside of your site (or externally) in an attempt to boost your rankings. 

QUESTION -  Name different techniques used in On-page SEO?

 ANSWER - Internal links
                      Meta description
                      Keyword research
                      Meta descriptions
                      Title tag
                      Content quality
                      External links
                      URL structure
                      Technical SEO
                      Black hat SEO techniques

QUESTION - Name different techniques used in off-page SEO?

ANSWER -     Link building
             Guest posting
                         Social media
                         Local SEO
                         Guest blogging
                         Keyword research
                         Business listing
                         Internal linK 

QUESTION -  What is a backlinks?

ANSWER -    Backlinks are links on websites other than your own that go back to a page on your website. Backlinks are also called inbound links because they represent another website's traffic coming to your own site. 

QUESTION -   What are Meta Tags?

ANSWER -   Meta tags are HTML tags that provide information about a webpage’s content to search engines and users.They play a crucial role in influencing how a website appears in search results and can impact click-through rate (CTR).   

QUESTION -  What is robots.txt?
ANSWER -    
A robots.txt file tells search engine crawlers which URLs the crawler can access on your site. This is used mainly to avoid overloading your site with requests; it is not a mechanism for keeping a web page out of Google 

 QUESTION 9-  What is a URL?
A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the address of a unique resource on the internet. It is one of the key mechanisms used by browsers to retrieve published resources, such as
 HTML pages, CSS documents, images, and so on.

QUESTION 10- What is an SEO-friendly URL?
SEO-friendly URLs are URLs that are designed to meet the needs of users and help search engines understand what a web page is about. They are typically short, descriptive, and include relevant keywords.

QUESTION 11-  What is a domain name?
A domain name is a string of text that maps to an alphanumeric IP address, used to access a website from client software. In plain English, a domain name is the text that a user  types into a browser window to reach a particular website.

 QUESTION 12-  Name some of the tools that you have used in SEO.

ANSWER -     Moz Pro
                        Screaming Frog
                        PageSpeed Insights

QUESTION 13 - Name some of the best SEO-friendly plugins for WordPress.
ANSWERS  -       
  Yoast SEO WordPress plugin.
                                The SEO Framework WordPress plugin.
                                SEOPress plugin.
                                Rank Math SEO WordPress plugin.
                                SEO Squirrly WordPress plugin.
                                Broken Link Checker WordPress plugin.
                                Rel Nofollow Checkbox WordPress plugin.
                                All In One Schema Rich Snippets WordPress plugin.

QUESTION 14- What are Black Hat and White Hat SEO?
ANSWER -    
White hat SEO techniques follow the terms established by major search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. They contrast with black hat SEO, which relies on deceptive,unethical methods. Some examples of black hat SEO include keyword stuffing, link cloaking, and purchasing links.  

QUESTION 15-  What is XML Sitemap? How is it important?
An XML sitemap is a file that lists a website's essential pages, making sure Google can find and crawl them all. It also helps search engines understand your website structure. You want Google to crawl every important page of your website. 

QUESTION 16- What is the difference between a do-follow and no-follow Backlinks?
ANSWER -    
Nofollow links help improve your website's ranking in search engines and keep your visitors safe from untrusted content. Dofollow links help improve your website's ranking in search engines and provide a way for users to find more information about the topics they're interested in.